Moataz F Mohamed

Postdoctoral Fellows

Now at University of Sydney


Research Interests

I am focusing on genomics of enteric pathogens with particular interest in characterisation of enteric pathogens during mass gatherings in KSA. 
My research interests include utilization of high-throughput genomics and advanced phenotypic approaches to study enteric pathogens.

Selected Publications

  • Abd El Ghany, M., Chander, J., Mutreja, A., Rashid, M., Hill-Cawthorne, G. A., Ali, S., Naeem, R., Thomson, N. R., Dougan, G. & Pain, A. The Population Structure of Vibrio cholerae from the Chandigarh Region of Northern India. PLoS Negl Trop Dis8, e2981,  doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0002981 (2014).
  • Hill-Cawthorne, G. A., Hudson, L. O., El Ghany, M. F., Piepenburg, O., Nair, M., Dodgson, A., Forrest, M. S., Clark, T. G. & Pain, A. Recombinations in Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec Elements Compromise the Molecular Detection of Methicillin Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. PLoS One 9, e101419,  doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101419 (2014).

Research Interests Keywords
