Now at Prof Christoph Gehring's group, KAUST
Research Interests: Bioinformatics, Biological networks and interactions, Genomics
Now at Mark Tester group, KAUST
Research Interests: Bioinformatics, Biological networks and interactions, Genomics, Plant biology & Desert agriculture
Research Interests: Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Statistical genetics, Confocal imaging, Regenerative medicine, Infectious diseases
Now at Red Sea Research Center
Research Interests: Microbial metagenomics & metatranscriptomics, Pathogen discovery, Bacterial physiology
Now at National Guard Hospital, Jeddah
Research Interests: Bioinformatics, Biological networks and interactions, Genomics
Moved to Prof Takashi Gojobori's group
Research Interests: Bioinformatics, Genomics
PhD Candidate
Research Interests: Apicomplexan parasites, Genomics, Infectiology, Microbial genomics
PhD Candidate
Research Interests: Biological networks and interactions, gene editing, functional genomics, Infectious diseases
PhD Candidate
Research Interests: Bioinformatics, Genomics, Genome and transcriptome analysis, Apicomplexan parasites
PhD Candidate
Research Interests: Infectiology, Genomics, Apicomplexan parasites, Host-pathogen interactions
Master Student
Research Interests: Host-pathogen interactions, Microbial genomics
Visiting Student Intern
Research Interests: Apicomplexan parasites, Genomics, gene editing, Confocal imaging
Visiting PhD student
Research Interests: Host-pathogen interactions, Genome and transcriptome analysis
Visiting Student
Research Interests: Genomics, Infectious diseases, Molecular Biology, Statistical genetics
Visiting PhD student
Research Interests: Genomics, Host-pathogen interactions, Infectious diseases